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Panama Flag

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    The flag is made in three colors (red, blue, and white) and divided into four quarters. The first flag of Panama was designed by María Ossa de Amador. White represents peace to make a home in the new country. The conservative party is represented by the blue color, while the red represents the liberal party. The blue star symbolizes the purity and honesty that govern the civic life of the country, and the red star, the authority and the law that will impose the empire of these virtues.

    The flag of Panama is a powerful emblem that represents the nation's history, culture, and unity. Officially adopted on December 20, 1903, shortly after Panama gained independence from Colombia, the flag's design reflects the country's political landscape and its aspirations for a harmonious future.


    Historical Context

    The inception of the national flag of Panama is closely combined with the progress towards the country’s independence. There was a time when Panama used to be an agent of Colombia but not a country-state before it established itself as an autonomous and independent state. The Persuasions of America canvassed the construction of a canal linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans to the United States. This served as a catalyst for America's support of the independence of Panama from Colombia, which resulted in a successful separation in 1903. The designation of the flag which present-day Panama flies was the work of Manuel E. Amador, son of Panama's first president, Manuel Amador Guerrero, and then sewed by his wife María Ossa de Amador.

    Cultural Significance

    For Panama, the national flag is more than a simple national symbol; it is an image or the impression of the multicultural origins of the country. Panama is an area of mixing cultures. The people who make up this mix include Atarama, Atumara, and Afro-Caribbean. They are also coming from different places.

    The flag is one of the identifiers for the Panamanians, today it is proudly waved on national holidays, during international matches, and at the offices of the government. It represents the long and arduous road to the nation's independence and its resolute dedication towards the rule of people.

    Sources & Footnotes

    [1] Flag of Panama - Britannica
    [2] Patriotic Symbols - Embassy of Panama

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