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How to Get a Driving License in Panama

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    To get a driving license in Panama, you should go through a series of steps that involve bureaucratic processes, theoretical tests, and practical tests.

    You must be at least 18 years old to apply for a driver's license in Panama.

    Theoretical Training and Diploma

    Register in a driving school, accredited by the Autoridad del Tránsito y Transporte Terrestre (ATTT), and complete the theoretical course on driving regulations. The school will provide you with a book with a total of 100+ questions and the answers that will appear on the written test. You can also exercise with the virtual test here, which contains all the actual questions. The driving school will also provide you with the mandatory diploma that you must show at the ATTT.

    Application Process

    Once you get the mandatory diploma from the driving school, enroll yourself on the official website here to schedule your driving and written tests. Bring all the required documentation to the ATTT when you do the exam.

    Documentation Required

    • Original and copy of immigration card, or permanent resident permit (Cedula E)
    • Original and copy of passport
    • Blood test, from a certified laboratory that tests the blood type and RH factor, you can find the list of the authorized laboratories here
    • Diploma from the driving school
    • “Paz y Salvo Electrónico Vehicular” if you will use your own vehicle, otherwise you could [rent one](articolo interno how to get a vehicle, nel capitolo rent a vehicle) to take the test.

    Driving Exam

    Practical Test

    Firstly, you have to pass a practical driving test, which assesses your ability to safely operate a vehicle in various traffic situations.

    Written Test

    Pass a written test based on the theoretical knowledge obtained during your course. This test covers traffic laws, signals, and basic vehicle maintenance. You can do a simulation here.

    Hearing and Vision Exams:

    Pass a hearing and vision test.


    Total Cost: $40 (License: $20, Hearing and Vision Examination $20)

    Type of Licenses in Panama:

    CCars and trucks
    DLight trucks up to eight tons and buses up to sixteen passengers
    EPublic passenger transport vehicle
    E1 aSelective transport
    E2 bBuses with up to sixteen passengers
    E3 cBuses with more than sixteen passengers
    FUnit trucks of more than eight tons and buses of more than sixteen passengers
    GCombined trucks
    HDangerous cargo transport vehicles
    IHeavy equipment

    If you already have a foreign driving license, you can convert it into a Panamanian one following the steps described in our article: How to convert foreign driving licence in Panama

    Please remember to check with the ATTT website and the Sertracen website for the most updated information and details about the process.

    Sources & Footnotes:

    [1] ATTT - First Time Driver's License Process
    [2] Sertracen - First Time Driver's License
    [3] Panama Relocation Tours - Driver's License Requirements in Panama
    [4] Relo Firm - How to Get a Panama Driver's License
    [5] Sertracen - Renewal Information
    [6] Quijano - Panama Driving License for Permanent Residents
    [7] Sertracen Official Site

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