
Welcome Panama! We're Andrea and Matteo, a duo of Italian cousins who've recently made Panama our new home. Making the move was no walk in the park; we bumped into every imaginable hurdle, from figuring out the logistics of relocation to simply getting the hang of daily life here. The kicker? There just wasn't enough solid info out there to guide us through. That's when we had our "aha!" moment and decided to roll up our sleeves to craft this site – a one-stop, no-cost resource packed with everything you need to kickstart your own Panama adventure.

So, who are we? Well, we're just a couple of engineers turned Panama aficionados. Andrea, the tech whiz of the pair, with a knack for web development and a passion for atlases, and Matteo, the other half of our dynamic duo, that brings the energy (quite literally, as an energy engineer focused on power generation) along with a love for writing and a keen interest in civil law.

Together, we're here to share the highs, the lows, and every little discovery in between of living in Panama. This site isn't just about guides and tips; it's a peek into our lives, the challenges we've faced, and the solutions we've found. Our mission? To pave a smoother path for you and make sure that your move to Panama is as hassle-free as possible. Dive into our world, and let's make this journey together. Welcome to the family!

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